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 Leica Raw Formats issue

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andy_Bell Posted - Feb 24 2021 : 11:46:42

I've been testing a number of RAW formats using ImageEn and have found some that cause an error message: 'Range Check Error'

As they are big files, I've uploaded them to

The error occurs if CameraRawEngine is set to ieenDLL. If I set it to ieenLegacy they load OK.

Maybe the underlying issue is with LibRaw, but it causes the 'Range Check Error' to display as a modal dialog, which means I can't trap the error and try a different approach..

I'm on ImageEn 9.2.5


This is the callstack when loading RAW_LEICA_DLUX3.RAW:

0064e299 +049 Project17.exe classes 5292 +5 TStream.Seek
0064e7c6 +026 Project17.exe classes 5514 +7 TCustomMemoryStream.Read
0064e0c1 +00d Project17.exe classes 5221 +1 TStream.SetPosition
00849083 +097 Project17.exe ieraw _16404
00849801 +0e5 Project17.exe ieraw IECRWGetCIFFAsExif
00846ee8 +1e4 Project17.exe ieraw _16388
00848ad5 +049 Project17.exe ieraw IEReadCameraRAWStream
00739c0e +0aa Project17.exe imageenio TImageEnIO.SyncLoadFromStreamRAW
00739d6b +077 Project17.exe imageenio TImageEnIO.LoadFromFileRAW
0072ba64 +544 Project17.exe imageenio TImageEnIO.LoadFromFile
0072bde4 +09c Project17.exe imageenio TImageEnIO.LoadFromFile
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 25 2021 : 15:21:33
Thanks Andy,

We can reproduce this and are investigating.

Xequte Software
Andy_Bell Posted - Feb 25 2021 : 08:12:31
Thanks Nigel

I'm running RAD studio 2007, so it's 32 bit. I get the same errors in 9.3.1. both in Delphi and in Builder and there are some very weird (large) values being shown in the debugger...

For example, the RAW_LEICA_M240.DNG image causes the range check error in tiffilt.pas line 3552 where value dpos is 4283923821 - massively larger than the file it's reading... I've sent you another example by email.

So it looks like some data overflows are occurring in the 32 bit versions.

LibRaw is able to read these files in my C++ Builder 32 bit build of it, so maybe there's some data problem in the ImageEn LibRaw implementation?

xequte Posted - Feb 24 2021 : 16:30:53
Hi Andy

These two files seem to load fine with 9.3.1 (it has a LibRaw update). Can you download the update and test it again.

If it still occurs, try reproducing in our CameraRaw demo. Also confirm whether a 32 or 64bit app and the Delphi version.

Xequte Software