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 ImageEnMView is not loading PSD files from...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yogiyang Posted - Feb 25 2021 : 08:34:20

I have a need to load PSD files from a remote server.

These files are getting loaded in ImageEnView but not in ImageEnMView.

Why is this happening?

I am using IE 9.3.0.


Yogi Yang
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yogiyang Posted - Mar 08 2021 : 06:38:37
Hello, Nigel,

Ok here is the code:
TempFldr := 'C:\Temp\';
TmpFileName := 'UserTempFile.psd';
iemDsgnSamples.MIO.LoadFromFileAuto(TempFldr + TmpFileName);

This works well when the app is not running in Debug mode but in Debug mode it just hangs at the line: iemDsgnSamples.MIO.LoadFromFileAuto(TempFldr + TmpFileName);

This was not happening in previous versions that is 9.2.6. But is happening in 9.3.1.

Any idea as to why?


Yogi Yang
xequte Posted - Mar 07 2021 : 01:05:01
Hi Yogi

I don't see what post you are referring to, but it is not uncommon for the Delphi debugger to slow down tasks. If it runs fine when not under the debugger then that doesn't sound like an issue.

Xequte Software
yogiyang Posted - Mar 05 2021 : 07:12:32
Hello Nigel,

Sorry for late reply. I has already posted the code in my post Posted - Mar 01 2021 : 08:38:45.

Please check this code.

I observed another thing and that is: This code works when the EXE is not run in debug mode meaning run outside Delphi's IDE. But when run in debug mode by pressing F9 (from Delphi's IDE) it takes ages to load files.


Yogi Yang
xequte Posted - Mar 01 2021 : 15:01:53
Hi Yogi

I don't seem to have received a recent message from you.

Xequte Software
yogiyang Posted - Mar 01 2021 : 08:38:45
Hello Nigel,

I also tried this code:

TempFldr := 'C:\Temp\';
TmpFileName := 'UserTempFile.psd';
iemDsgnSamples.MIO.LoadFromFileAuto(TempFldr + TmpFileName);

It just hangs here: iemDsgnSamples.MIO.LoadFromFileAuto(TempFldr + TmpFileName)

Sometimes it does work but after 10 to 15 minutes wait!


Yogi Yang
yogiyang Posted - Mar 01 2021 : 04:48:51
Hello Nigel,

The code has been emailed to you already.


Yogi Yang
xequte Posted - Feb 25 2021 : 15:31:03
Hi Yogi

Can you show me your code?

Xequte Software