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 Exception Notifications

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
email_toan Posted - Apr 21 2021 : 13:20:45
I just upgraded to 10 and running my application under IDE debug mode prompts exception notifications. The project uses ImageEnMView to browse content of a folder. When a PDF or PSD file is highlighted the prompt rears its head. When I click Continue, I can keep debugging. However, when I click Break, the IDE froze and I had to force quit.

Is there a switch or property I can set to disable internal processing of these files?

IDE: Sydney
OS: Windows 10
Language: Delphi

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Apr 22 2021 : 22:16:35
You should check "Ignore this exception type"

EIExceptions are internal exceptions that you do not need to surface.

Xequte Software