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 Annotation real time position

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Deeron Posted - May 28 2021 : 11:36:45
Hi Nigel,

You wrote earlier that Left, Top properties of annotation returns the position of the upper left corner, but in real time how do I get it back and the Width, Height properties when I scale with the mouse. I didn't find any events.

Is it possible to get the position (possibly the size) of the annotation back in real time when I move it with the mouse (IEvolution .NET)?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - May 31 2021 : 18:59:30
Hi Deeron

I'll need to check if there is alternative method. You might be better to use layers instead of objects.

Xequte Software
Deeron Posted - May 31 2021 : 05:20:10
Hi Nigel,

The position and size of the annotation are not updated for the MouseMove event (IEVolution .Net v8.0.0.0).
I can't query in real time with mouse move. :(

    public partial class Form1: Form
        private IEObjectLine ieobjectline;
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ieobjectline = (IEObjectLine)ieViewer1.Image.Annotations.GetTemplateObject(IEObjectType.Line);

            ieobjectline.Name = "Line";
            ieobjectline.Left = 0;
            ieobjectline.Top = 100;
            ieobjectline.Width = 200;
            ieobjectline.Height = 1;
            ieobjectline.Transparency = 255;
            ieobjectline.PenWidth = 1;
            ieobjectline.PenColor = new IERGB(Color.Black);
            ieobjectline.PenStyle = IEPenStyles.Solid;

            ieViewer1.EnableObjectInserting = IEViewer.ObjectInserting.Line;


        private void ieViewer1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (ieobjectline != null)
               Console.WriteLine(ieobjectline.Left.ToString() + ", " + ieobjectline.Top.ToString() + ", " + ieobjectline.Width.ToString() + ", " + ieobjectline.Height.ToString());




I have a remark:
The "ieViewer1.Image.Annotations.SelectedObjectsCount" property correctly returns the number of annotations selected, but the
'ieobjectline' "Selected" property does not work, its value is always false if the annotation is selected, if not.

xequte Posted - May 29 2021 : 20:09:52

If it is a layer object, you can use LayerNotify:

Otherwise you should use the MouseMove event.

Xequte Software