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 Inherit from TIEImageLayer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
corundum Posted - Aug 18 2021 : 18:41:52
Is it possible to inherit from TIEImageLayer and use this new layer type in ImageEnView? I want to create a component that has its own properties and use them as logic for custom drawing to an IEBitmap (instead of loading an image from disk) and then have this displayed in the inherited class. It would need to redraw itself whenever a property is changed in the editor.

I've created a mock-up of the inherited class, but it seems I can only add a TIEImageLayer to an ImageEnView (via ImageEnView.LayersAdd(...), and not the inherited class.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Aug 18 2021 : 19:27:56

The Layers TList is exposed, so you can actually add a custom layer as follows:

ImageEnView1.LayersList.Add( TMyCustomImageLayer.Create(self) );

Xequte Software