we're using ImageEn Version 10.1.0 with Delphi 10.4.2.
By using ImageEn in an 64bit environment we get an Exception by processing PNG-Images (not with BMP/JPG!).
In following unit we get an Exception "ExceptionMessage="WIC Failure"":
procedure ConvertWICBitmapToIEBitmap(wicFactory: IE_IWICImagingFactory; source: IE_IWICBitmapSource; dest: TIEBitmap; nativePixelFormat: boolean = true; OnProgressFunc: TIEProgressEvent = nil);
CheckHResult( converter.Initialize( source, pixelFormatGUID, IE_WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0.0, 0 ));
CheckHResult is errorcode: "-2003292409":
Could you give us some information what could cause this exception and maybe ways to fix it.
Thanks in advance.