Hi Nigel,
I have an comment.
The BeginResizing and BeginMoving layer events do not occur. Is there anything else that needs to be set?
According to the help, if I understand it correctly, it occurs when the user began to resize the layer (click down).
I understand correctly, the click down means that the mouse button should be pressed on the layer grip?
The other LayerEvents work, I can handle them within the LayerNotify event.
private void ieViewer1_LayerNotify(object sender, EventArgs e)
LayerNotifyEventArgs layerNotifyEventArgs = (LayerNotifyEventArgs)e;
if (layerNotifyEventArgs.Event == LayerEvent.BeginMoving)
Console.WriteLine("LAYER EVENT: " + layerNotifyEventArgs.Event.ToString() + ", LAYER INDEX: " + layerNotifyEventArgs.Layer.ToString());
else if (layerNotifyEventArgs.Event == LayerEvent.BeginResizing)
Console.WriteLine("LAYER EVENT: " + layerNotifyEventArgs.Event.ToString() + ", LAYER INDEX: " + layerNotifyEventArgs.Layer.ToString());