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 Issue with OnAfterEvent

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
graph_man Posted - Feb 11 2022 : 14:56:06
Before version 10.1
I used OnAfterEvent event
to handle actions after page selection in ImageEnMView2
loading the selected page in ImageEnView

I used this code

void __fastcall TAFTV_FormMain::ImageEnMView2AfterEvent(TObject *Sender,
	TIEAfterEvent Event)
    if (Event == ieaeMouseUp)
        int idx = ImageEnMView2->SelectedImage;

	if (idx == SelectedImage && ((TImageEnMView*)Sender)->Name == "ImageEnMView2")

Everything worked fine before installing the new version 10.3

(idx == SelectedImage && ((TImageEnMView*)Sender)->Name == "ImageEnMView2")

Previously, when manually selecting a page, this expression gave FALSE.

In the new version, it gives the TRUE.

Why and how to fix it?
Why make such cardinal changes that break the program when installing a new version of a component?

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 19 2022 : 20:35:56
I'm afraid that was a bug. Naturally, the SelectedImage property should not change when an image is clicked if "MouseInteract-Select" is disabled.

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 19 2022 : 15:00:54

I no longer remember why it is organized this way, but it has been working for more than 5 years and there were no problems with it before version 10.3.
xequte Posted - Feb 19 2022 : 14:10:51
To clarify, you are wanting to select the page, even though "MouseInteract-Select" is disabled? Why don't you want to use "MouseInteract-Select" for this?

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 19 2022 : 05:25:26
Once again, in version 10.1 I can get the correct value of the changed page (using OnAfterEvent and ImageEnMView2->SelectedImage) even though "MouseInteract-Select" is disabled. In version 10.3 this does not work.

xequte Posted - Feb 18 2022 : 23:06:27

What method are you using to set ImageEnMView2.SelectedImage if MouseInteract-Select is not enabled?

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 16 2022 : 03:53:30
In version 10.3, the correct value "ImageEnMView2->SelectedImage" occurs only when the parameter "MouseInteract-Select" is enabled.
In version 10.1, this worked even when it was turned off.
graph_man Posted - Feb 16 2022 : 03:50:40
However, in version 10.1 everything worked without problems.
xequte Posted - Feb 15 2022 : 14:29:44

Only changes that would affect usage of the PDFViewer.

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 15 2022 : 10:12:18
Were there any changes in the work with the "MouseInteract" parameter in the new version?
xequte Posted - Feb 15 2022 : 04:01:05
Thanks, we have received it. I'm out of the office till Friday, but will check it after that.

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 14 2022 : 05:17:01
I deleted the exe file and sent the email again.
xequte Posted - Feb 13 2022 : 17:41:21

I haven't seen that message. Please check that your zip doesn't contain any blocked types, such as EXE, and resend.

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 13 2022 : 14:53:38
I am getting the same result in a test empty project. I sent it to you by mail.
graph_man Posted - Feb 13 2022 : 14:28:36
In my tests, for each selected page, I get
ImageEnMView2->SelectedImage = 0;
xequte Posted - Feb 12 2022 : 18:01:43

I have added the following to the AfterEvent:

  if Event = ieaeMouseUp then
    Caption := IntToStr( ImageEnMView1.SelectedImage );

And it seems to be changing as expected.

Can you give me some specific steps to see the issue you are getting?

I've reviewed all the iemview.pas source changes between 10.1.0 and 10.3.0 and cannot see anything relevant (unless you use Filtering).

I think something else might be going on here (e.g. other code interacting with TImageEnMView?)

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 12 2022 : 10:17:24
When selecting a page in ImageEnMView
the value
stopped changing
on "OnAfterEvent"

In version 10.1 it worked fine
graph_man Posted - Feb 12 2022 : 05:11:00
> Does it occur in any of our demos?
I need it to work in my programs and not in the demo.
Everything worked fine in version 10.1 and first stopped working in version 10.3

> What is SelectedImage in your code above?

This is the number of the page that has already been loaded in ImageEnView

Please write what has changed in the logic of working with page selection in ImageEnMview and the OnImageSelect and OnAfterEvent events.


As if it stopped working at the right moment. When does it work now?
xequte Posted - Feb 11 2022 : 22:25:18

I'm not aware of any selection issues in v10.3.0. Does it occur in any of our demos?

What is SelectedImage in your code above? Are you able to create a simple demo that shows the issue?

Xequte Software
graph_man Posted - Feb 11 2022 : 15:19:35
Many other issues with page selection. If you select pages 1-5 and then click on page 1 (so that only page 1 remains selected), nothing changes. Group selection is not canceled as in previous versions.

I will be returning to the previous version 10.1.
But how to fix this problem in it?

graph_man Posted - Feb 11 2022 : 15:07:14
In the new version, when you select another page, it is no longer selected at all.
I will have to revert to the previous version.