In version 10.3.0 when I undefine the IEIncludePDF the package cannot be loaded anymore:
// Support for PDF file format (trims about 120KB)
// Undefining this will undefine IESupportPdfViewer and IEIncludePdfPrinting
{.$define IEIncludePDF}
I'm getting the error:
bds.exe - Point d’entrée introuvable
Le point d’entrée de procédure @Iexpdfiumlib@initialization$qqrv est introuvable dans la bibliothèque de liens dynamiques DPKIECTRL25.bpl.
There are also some hints when building the package:
[dcc32 Hint] imageenproc.pas(13606): H2164 Variable 'iev' is declared but never used in 'TImageEnProc.Rotate'
[dcc32 Hint] imageenproc.pas(13607): H2164 Variable 'rot' is declared but never used in 'TImageEnProc.Rotate'
[dcc32 Hint] iexToolbars.pas(4194): H2164 Variable 'dr' is declared but never used in 'TCustomImageEnToolbar.IEViewMenuButtonClick'
I can work this around by keeping the IEIncludePDF and add the iepdf DLL but I thought maybe you would like to know this if it can help other people. Thanks.