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 Some comments on the viewing of PDF in TimageenView

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stalker4 Posted - Jun 01 2022 : 03:49:22

ImageEn 10.3

1.1) I open PDF in \Demos\Other\PDFViewer\PdfViewer.dpr
I turn on the "Show All Pages" mode and the scale - 100%.
See the result at p1.jpg

1.2) there is such a PDFiumReader project

As I understand it, he uses the same pdfium.dll library as you, only created a COM-wrapper for it.

We take their viewing program PDF (PDFiumReader.exe), open the same PDF-file, and set the scale - 100%.
See the result at p2.jpg

1.3) How can you notice your scale of 100% noticeable than that of PDFiumReader.
For comparison, here you have an image (p3.jpg) of the same file on a 100% scale from Acrobat Reader.
It also shows that your scale is 100% narrower than in Acrobat Reader.

Question: Can you finalize your scaling procedure for PDF files so that it is closer to the original (like Acrobat Reader or PDFiumReader) ?

2) There is a multi-page PDF file (30 pages, A4, each page is a scanned sheet of a document in the form of a JPG image).
If this file is in PDFViewer (in the "Show All Pages" mode and the scale - 100%) and in PDFiumReader(scale - 100%), then scrolling with a file of file sheets, in PDFiumReader is noticeably faster and smooth.
But PDFViewer and PDFiumReader are essentially used the same library (pdfium.dll) to view PDF.

Question: Is it possible to accelerate scrolling (scroll) PDF-file in Imageen?

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1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jun 04 2022 : 20:51:03

1. In versions before 11, we displayed PDF pages at the default PDF resolution (72DPI). From 11.0 we use the system resolution (usually 96DPI). You should download the new version.

You can set your preferred resolution using IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewerDefaults.DPI:

2. Scrolling is handled by the control, not PDFium. You can adjust the scroll handing of TImageEnView using:

Or if you mean with the mouse wheel:

Xequte Software