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 Using JPEG2000 lossless option to save images

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yeohray2 Posted - Nov 03 2022 : 04:44:00
Hi, just wanted to ask if it's expected that when saving an image using the JPEG2000 lossless option, some values differ from the original image. Not a whole lot, but there are some differences.

However, this only happens in 32-bit applications using the Delphi code. Using ielib32.dll or ielib64.dll, there are no differences.

Thanks in advance.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yeohray2 Posted - Nov 10 2022 : 18:17:29
Noted, will do. Thanks.

xequte Posted - Nov 10 2022 : 14:51:22
Thanks, we will investigate. However you should use ielib if you need JPEG2000 support. It is a much improved implementation.

Xequte Software
yeohray2 Posted - Nov 08 2022 : 03:29:57
It's the image itself. I'm attaching a sample project with the image I'm using. If I run the test (32-bit build) with ielib32.dll, I have 0 differences between the original DICOM image and the saved DICOM image. If I remove ielib32.dll, I have 30k+ differences.

Thanks in advance.


1206.18 KB
xequte Posted - Nov 03 2022 : 22:52:23
Hi Ray

Are you referring to changes to the meta-data?

If so, then that is expected.

Xequte Software