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 Semi-transparent Layers with non-transparent border?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterPanino Posted - Nov 05 2022 : 14:15:55
I mark detected faces with semi-transparent filled Layers:

However, it seems that the semi-transparent Layers also make semi-transparent borders, so the visibility of the red borders is reduced:

procedure TformMain.mExtractFacesClick(Sender: TObject);
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.MouseInteractLayers := [mlMoveLayers, mlResizeLayers];
  // Layers cannot be dragged beyond the background layer:
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.LayerOptions := ImageEnViewPixelEditor.LayerOptions + [loPreventOutOfBounds];

  // create objectsFinder:
  var objectsFinder := IEVisionLib.createObjectsFinder();
  // following haar parameters may vary by image content:
  // Add classifiers:
  objectsFinder.addClassifier('face detector 1', IEVisionLib.createCascadeClassifier(IEVC_FRONTAL_FACE_DEFAULT));
  objectsFinder.addClassifier('face detector 2', IEVisionLib.createCascadeClassifier(IEVC_FRONTAL_FACE_ALT_TREE));
  objectsFinder.addClassifier('face detector 3', IEVisionLib.createCascadeClassifier(IEVC_FRONTAL_FACE_ALT));
  objectsFinder.addClassifier('face detector 4', IEVisionLib.createCascadeClassifier(IEVC_FRONTAL_FACE_ALT_2));
  objectsFinder.addClassifier('face detector 5', IEVisionLib.createCascadeClassifier(IEVC_PROFILE_FACE));
  CodeSite.Send('TformMain.mExtractFacesClick: 1');
  // Find Faces in image:
  var rects := objectsFinder.mergeAllRects(); // merge intersecting rectangles
  CodeSite.Send('TformMain.mExtractFacesClick: 2');
  // Draw rects to image:
  var r: TIEVisionRect;
  for var i := 0 to rects.size() - 1 do
    r := rects.getRect(i);
    //with ImageEnViewPixelEditor.IEBitmap.Canvas do
      {Pen.Width := 2;
      Pen.Color := clRed;
      Brush.Style := bsClear;
      Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.width);}

      var ThisLayer := ImageEnViewPixelEditor.LayersAdd(iesRectangle, Rect(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height),
        clRed, 2, clYellow);
      ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Visible := True;
      ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].VisibleBox := True;
      ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Transparency := 64;
      ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Tag := FFaceLayer;
      ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].BorderColor := clRed;
      ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].BorderWidth := 2;
  CodeSite.Send('TformMain.mExtractFacesClick: 3');

So is there a way to make the borders of the layers NON-TRANSPARENT (to increase their visibility) while leaving the Layers still semi-transparent?

BTW, I don't want to paint rectangles directly on the image - that's why I use only Layers to mark the faces. A possible workaround could be to duplicate the background layer and paint the rectangles on that duplicate layer. But that would complicate things enormously when having to move or resize the layers, so I would prefer to have layers with non-transparent borders - if that is possible.

BTW2, anyone will have noticed that the two rectangles on Mr. B.G. completely intersect and should be merged. So this seems to be an issue that should also be resolved.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeterPanino Posted - Nov 07 2022 : 04:58:47
Hi Nigel,

Thank you, that works perfectly. ImageEn has a solution for everything.
xequte Posted - Nov 06 2022 : 18:18:02

You can use FillOpacity to specify a different transparency for the fill than the the border. See the example at:

Xequte Software
PeterPanino Posted - Nov 05 2022 : 18:03:11
When using $0093FFFF instead of clYellow, it is even better:

PeterPanino Posted - Nov 05 2022 : 17:51:06
Another approach is this one:

for var i := 0 to rects.size() - 1 do
  r := rects.getRect(i);
  var ThisLayer := ImageEnViewPixelEditor.LayersAdd(iesRectangle, Rect(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height),
    clRed, 2, clYellow);    
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Visible := True;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].VisibleBox := True;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Operation := ielAverage;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Tag := FFaceLayer;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].BorderColor := clRed;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].BorderWidth := 2;

It is not optimal, but it is still better than the first one.
PeterPanino Posted - Nov 05 2022 : 17:13:34
I tried this approach:

for var i := 0 to rects.size() - 1 do
  r := rects.getRect(i);
  var bm := TIEBitmap.Create;
  cxImageListLarge.GetImage(11, bm.VclBitmap); // semi-transparent mono-color PNG image
  var ThisLayer := ImageEnViewPixelEditor.LayersAdd(bm);
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].LayerRect := Rect(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Visible := True;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].VisibleBox := True;;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].Tag := FFaceLayer;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].BorderColor := clRed;
  ImageEnViewPixelEditor.Layers[ThisLayer].BorderWidth := 2;

The Layers are created correctly, but they have no visible image and no visible border.