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 IEFolderMView1.ImageCreateDate, unclear value ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
klausdoege Posted - Nov 28 2022 : 06:20:01
when I use these two functions I sometimes get different values.
Why is that?
According to the description, the result should be the same.

CreateDateS := datetimetostr(GetExifOrFileCreationDate(IEFolderMView1.ImageFileName[x], true));
CreateDateSx := datetimetostr(IEFolderMView1.ImageCreateDate[x]);

if CreateDateS <> CreateDateSx then
// why is it ;

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Nov 28 2022 : 14:30:34
Hi Klaus

For performance reasons, ImageCreateDate is filled at two different times:
1. Firstly, when the TIEFolderMView is filled and the file date is available, the file date is applied
2. Later, when the image is loaded, the EXIF date (if available) is applied

If you prefer you can disable EXIF date usage with IEGlobalSettings().UseEXIFDateTime := False;

Xequte Software