If TIELayer.Locked is enabled for that layer the Layer cannot be moved or show its border, as the Documentation says. But what if the user needs to move the layer while not being able to resize or rotate the Layer?
Posted - Dec 06 2022 : 14:50:02 Hi Peter
Each layer's grips will be hidden if TIELayer.Locked is enabled for that layer. At this time there is not a way to disable per layer rotation. We will consider that for a future version.
Wouldn't it be helpful implementing the properties ShowLayerRotationGrip: Boolean and ShowLayerResizeHandles: Boolean as inherent TIELayer Read/Write class properties?
Posted - Dec 05 2022 : 21:47:20 Hi Peter
I'm afraid there is not an option for that. You might be able to toggle loShowRotationGrip on layer change.