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 loop trough all pixels and change values

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
scpsolutions Posted - Jan 28 2023 : 17:19:40
Hi Everyone,

I have a bunch of images, thousands actually. And I need to make sure the background is pure white. I know how to get the images and scan folders and all that stuff. Just not sure how to modify individual pixels. Not looking for speed, as long as it works.

I know this will get subject and non-background pixels. But this will be one step of many so if the subject is modified will have to resort to photoshop or something maybe.

Example pseudo code

for w as image.width
  for h as image.height
   if image.pixel[w][h].r >=250 and  image.pixel[w][h].g > 250 and image.pixel[w][h].b > 250
   begin  //pixel is near white so force it to white

Just to recap, just looking to loop trough all pixels and check pixel values and if they fit a criteria, change them.


Marc Ouellette
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scpsolutions Posted - Jan 29 2023 : 21:22:23
HI Nigel,

That is just what I am looking for.

Thank you so much!


Marc Ouellette
xequte Posted - Jan 29 2023 : 16:58:16
Hi Marc

In terms of making colors close to white, purely white, you can use:

But that will apply to the whole image (or whatever is selected), so naturally it will also whiten any any near white parts of the image subject.

Xequte Software