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 rotate, resize, add

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GLamenoise Posted - Jan 31 2024 : 14:07:45
New to ImageEN and I must admit a little confused. I am trying to figure out a simple project and I am not sure which components I shoul use:

1- load an image
2- rotate the image (make sure it is portrait not landscape)
3- resize the image
4- add a waternark
5- save the image

If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate,

Thank you.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 31 2024 : 20:07:47

If you want to do it visually (i.e. user can see what is happening), use a TImageEnView:

1- LOAD: ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile()
2- ROTATE: ImageEnView1.Proc.Rotate()
3- RESIZE: ImageEnView1.Proc.Resample()
4- WATERMARK: watermarkbitmap.DrawToIEBitmap( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap )
5- SAVE: ImageEnView1.IO.SaveToFile()

If you want to do it non-visually (e.g. processing the image only), use a TIEBitmap:

1- LOAD: iebmp.Read()
2- ROTATE: iebmp.Rotate()
3- RESIZE: iebmp.Resample()
4- WATERMARK: watermarkbitmap.DrawToIEBitmap( iebmp )
5- SAVE: iebmp.Write()

Xequte Software
GLamenoise Posted - Jan 31 2024 : 15:58:22
Never mind. Found the methods I needed. used a TIEBitmap component:

1- LOAD:
2- ROTATE: used a TImageEnProc to rotate
3- RESIZE: iebmp.resample
4- WATERMARK: watermarkbitmap.DrawToIEBitmap
5- SAVE: iebmp.write

I used the rfLanczos3 filter for the Resample method it gave me a very good result.