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 Finding the Button Click Event in Toolbarbutton in Version 9.1.1

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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - Feb 21 2024 : 10:47:32
Hey Nigel,

Have the earliest version of the Toolbar for editing ImageenView layers (version 9.1.1). Can you please give me a hint on where the onclick event happens for toolbar buttons. The current imageen handles buttons way differently from the original. Want to hijack a button for my own use and I can't figure out where the button onclick event is.

Thanks for your help,

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 22 2024 : 13:12:51
Yes, sorry, it looks like it wasn't available in v9.1.1. You should email us to see if you are entitled to a newer version.

Xequte Software Posted - Feb 22 2024 : 12:13:38
Searched entire 9.1.1 source and there is no OnActionExecute.
This code is 4 year old and I think it precedes your kind help.
The following is in iextoolbar.pas and relates to a button for text align center.

_AddButton( IELayerTextAlignCenter_Button_ID, TIELayerTextAlignCenter.Create(Self), ITBRES_FORMAT_ALIGN_CENTER_24 );

{ TIELayerTextAlignCenter }
constructor TIELayerTextAlignCenter.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  ImageIndex  := 80;
  fAdjustment := ietaSetAlignment;
  fValue      := ord( iejLeft );
  fActionType := ieaCheckbox;

don't see how button gets clicked ??
xequte Posted - Feb 21 2024 : 16:29:27
Hi John

The buttons all use a dynamically created ImageEn TAction.

You should just override the OnActionExecute event. Specify your own code and set Handled to true:

Or in newer ImageEn you can just add your own buttons:

Xequte Software