Possibly we might look at loading all pages of an image (e.g. when the zip file contains only one file), but they will be in a later version.
Thanks. I can manually extract using Delphi's TZipFile. I only tried LoadFromFileZIP because it was available.
Another option would be to overload LoadFromFileZIP:
function TImageEnMIO.LoadFromFileZIP(const FileName: string; const Index: Integer; const Password: string = ''): Boolean; overload;
function TImageEnMIO.LoadFromFileZIP(const FileName: string; const ImageName: string; const Password: string = ''): Boolean; overload;
Although I am not familiar with 7z.dll. I took a quick glance but did not see how difficult it would be to extract a single file using an index or item name. It is trivial using TZipFile.
Unfortunately our mail system blocks some types, like EXE files.
A lot of email servers will block EXE files. My attachment was a .zip that contained project source (all text) and one zip that contained a PDF. The zip was the only binary file in the zipped attachment.
Thanks Nigel.