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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jeffp Posted - Dec 03 2024 : 18:09:39

When using

ImageEnMView1.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1

Should the file be loaded using ImageEnMView1 or ImageEnView1

When loading using ImageEnMView1, the navigation doesn't work on page 1. You CANNOT MouseWheel back to page 1 once you've left it.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Dec 04 2024 : 20:08:41
Hi Jeff

I added this code to a new form:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  FViewer : TImageEnView;
  FThumbs : TImageEnMView;
  FThumbs := TImageEnMView.Create(Self);
  FThumbs.Parent := Self;
  FThumbs.Width := 500;
  FThumbs.Align := alLeft;

  FViewer := TImageEnView.Create(Self);
  FViewer.Parent := Self;
  FViewer.Align := alClient;
  FViewer.AutoShrink := True;

  FThumbs.AttachedImageEnView := FViewer;

  FViewer.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwNavigate;
  FViewer.MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action := iemwZoom;
  FThumbs.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwNavigate;
  FThumbs.MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action := iemwVScroll;

  FThumbs.MIO.LoadFromFile('D:\TIFF\MM color&bw__4pages.tif');

Whether I mouse over the thumb control or the viewer it works as expected.

Can you test the attached project.

What version of Delphi are you using?

1.86 KB

Xequte Software
jeffp Posted - Dec 04 2024 : 08:35:40
I'm still having an issue mouse wheeling back to the first page.

FViewer := TImageEnView.Create(AOwner);
FThumbs := TImageEnMView.Create(nil);
FThumbs.AttachedImageEnView := FViewer;

FViewer.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwNavigate;
FViewer.MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action := iemwZoom;
FThumbs.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwNavigate;
FThumbs.MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action := iemwVScroll;

I loads with page 1 displaying in the Viewer, but then when I mouse wheel down to page 2 and then back to page 1 the Viewer still displays page 2, but the Thumbs pane does select page 1.

So page 1 gets selected in the thumbs pane, but the does NOT get loaded in the Viewer.

By the way, I'm loading a multi-page TIF file. It works fine when I load a PDF.

xequte Posted - Dec 04 2024 : 00:30:33

You should be loading it using ImageEnMView1.MIO.LoadFromFile();

(Except in the special case of PDF files).

Xequte Software
jeffp Posted - Dec 03 2024 : 18:59:01
Should the file be loaded using ImageEnMView1 or ImageEnView1?

xequte Posted - Dec 03 2024 : 18:35:03
Hi Jeff

I'm not seeing that. Try adding this code:

  // Mouse wheel scrolls through the images (with secondary actions if Ctrl is pressed)
  ImageEnView1.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwNavigate;
  ImageEnView1.MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action := iemwZoom;
  IEFolderMView.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwNavigate;
  IEFolderMView.MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action := iemwVScroll;

To the demo:

Xequte Software