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T O P I C    R E V I E W
zerob Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 16:16:18
Hi Nigel

<!-- Created with ImageEn 13.7.0 - -->

Is there a way to remove the ImageEn advertisement comment, that ImageEn adds
to SVG, CubeLUT files, etc?

When using a software, it is in my mind a bit odd, if each of the different used libraries injects some kind of advertisement into the created files.

Also it might not be wished by customers (corporate, goverment...) or might bloat databases, slow down stuff or bloat web files that are intended to be as small as possible.

If anything at all, then i would expect only a comment for the final creator app of the file (the coded exe application) and not individual libraries to do this (even then i would dislike ad injections).

I don't think it is such a huge influx of additional customers to you, as most people (endcustomers) that draw these files (SVG) aren't Delphi Devs and in most cases don't access the SVG sourcecode to visit pages mentioned in the comments.

And as this in my mind isn't adding any value, neither to you, nor to the customer that bought ImageEn, nor the end customer that uses our software, would it be possible to remove this, or at least make it optional?

A quick search had this in: iexHelperFunctions.pas, iexSVG.pas, imageenproc.pas (is there more in other fileformats?).
......'Created with ImageEn %s -'....
<!-- Created with ImageEn 13.7.0 - -->
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 19:37:41

I don't know that I would call it an "advertisement". It is an attribution that defines the source and version of the library that generated the file, an invaluable tool when debugging.

At any rate, in the current beta you can customize or remove the attribution using: IEGlobalSettings().AttributionStr.

Xequte Software