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 Vision/Neural - object mask / separation

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AlexS Posted - Jan 24 2025 : 14:37:27
Hello Guys,

Just a question or idea for future version. It would be great to get a list of detected objects as well as mask of the object, which will allow to extract object from initial image, or do outline. If this is already possible - any hint would be appreciated!

Thank you

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 26 2025 : 13:47:29
Yes, we'd like to add intelligent background removal to IEVision, but we've not yet found a suitable OpenCV/Neural Net library for it.

Xequte Software
AlexS Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 13:08:20
Thank you for response Nigel. The problem I am trying to solve is how to find outlines of main parts of the main objects.Trying to build more intelligent picture tracer (raster to vector conversion).

No problem, will keep searching for a way to make it work.


xequte Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 13:03:25
Hi Alex

At this stage, the API does not return enough information to generate a mask, unfortunately.

Xequte Software