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 Read PSB file and save as BigTIFF file

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
abrucephoto Posted - Jan 28 2025 : 04:50:19
Myself and my colleagues regularly create 48bit RGB images of very large dimensions which exceed the 4GB size limit of the TIFF file format. Working with Adobe Photoshop limits us to saving to the PSB file format. We would like to convert these PSB files to BigTIFF files.

I am looking for a user-friendly GUI that myself and my colleagues can use to carry out this conversion.
I downloaded the ImageEn Complete Editor demo, and I see that I am able to open PSB files and save them as TIFF files, however whenever I try to open a PSB file there is a 'Out of memory' warning, and the image is not loaded.
This surprises me as I am trying to open a moderately sized 6GB PSB file, and Task Manager is showing that I am just using 5% of my computers memory and I am working on a machine with 256GB of memory.

Is there some kind of functionality limit to the demo version that is stopping this? Or is my hardware not up to the task? Or is this a bug? Or might I find a better tool to carry this out?

I would be very grateful for any feedback

Thank you
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 28 2025 : 14:01:51

Can you provide a link to download your test PSB file?

Also, please note that our company develops a library for other developers to create software. We don't sell software to end users (ImageEn Complete Editor is just a demo)?

Xequte Software
abrucephoto Posted - Jan 28 2025 : 05:20:51
To add....
When I close the ImageEn Complete Editor demo after the 'Out of memory' warning, I get the warning message 'Unexpected Memory Leak. An unexpected memory leak has occurred. The unexpected small block leaks are: 13 - 20 bytes: TList x2'