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 ImageEnMView Built In Printing: Scaling/ReSampling Issue "psFitToPage" etc.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
andyhill Posted - Feb 01 2025 : 14:34:19
ImageEnMView2.MIO.DialogsMeasureUnit:= ieduCm;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.Width:= 10.5;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.Height:= 14.8;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.Position:= ppCenter;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.Size:= psSpecifiedSize;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.PrintThumbnails:= False;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.ThumbnailStyle:= ptFlat;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.PrintSelected:= True;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.PrintPreviewParams.DlgMaximized:= True;
ImageEnMView2.MIO.DoPrintPreviewDialog('Project', false, 'Print Preview');

I have a jpg image that did comprise of multiple layers (including text) flattened producing a clean crisp image that is loaded into ImageEnMView.

When the built in print dialog changes the size of the print, most of the text in the image is slightly distorted. It appears that the scaling/resampling model is not ideal - how can I change this ?

(rfTriangle, rfHermite, rfBell, rfBSpline, rfLanczos3, rfMitchell, rfNearest, rfLinear, rfFastLinear, rfBilinear, rfBicubic, rfProjectBW, rfProjectWB, rfWICNearestNeighbor, rfWICLinear, rfWICCubic, rfWICFant)

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 02 2025 : 19:52:07
Hi Andy

I cannot reproduce that. Can you forward me your test image and a photo of the printed image.

Does changing PrintingFilterOnSubsampling make any difference?

Xequte Software