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 inactive format buttons (bold/italic/underline) when TIETextLayer is edited

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ZS Tekatec Posted - Feb 02 2025 : 11:56:07

when I edit TIETextLayer I've got inactive format buttons as you can see on the attached picture:

Could you tell me what is wrong here ?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZS Tekatec Posted - Feb 04 2025 : 01:11:56
there are not any special steps that you need to take to reproduce:

1) Add ielkText
2) set richtext
3) double click on richtext layer to get a formatting toolbar

That's all and there is no other way to do it.
Could you attach this exe file ? I will check how it works on my computer.

xequte Posted - Feb 03 2025 : 18:27:13
Hmmm, it works fine for me here in Delphi 2007. Are there steps that I need to take to reproduce?

Xequte Software
ZS Tekatec Posted - Feb 03 2025 : 16:40:42
it is Delphi2007, please find simple project in attachment.

attach/ZS Tekatec/
14.51 KB

xequte Posted - Feb 03 2025 : 16:21:26
Yes please attach a simple project that shows the issue. fsMDIChild is deprecated, but we will try to find a workaround.

What version of Delphi is that?

Xequte Software
ZS Tekatec Posted - Feb 03 2025 : 06:07:39

it works fine in \Demos\LayerEditing\Layers_Text\TextLayers.dpr, it also works when I created new simple application form + ImageEnView component.

What version of ImageEn and Delphi are you using? -> I use ImageEn v13.7.0

32bit or 64bit EXE? -> 32 bit EXE.

I have tested it more intense today and in my opinion there is problem when ImageEnView is used with form where formStyle = fsMDIChild.
As you can see below I was able to achieve this effect that forrmating buttons are inactive:

If it helps I can attach this project.

xequte Posted - Feb 02 2025 : 19:54:51

I cannot reproduce that. Do you see it in our demo:


What version of ImageEn and Delphi are you using?

32bit or 64bit EXE?

Xequte Software