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 Toolbar suggestions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterPanino Posted - Feb 04 2025 : 14:59:30
1. When a toolbar button shows a dialog (e.g., the Brush Properties dialog, etc.) and the Form owning the ImageEn toolbar has FormStyle = fsStayOnTop, then the dialog shown by the toolbar button is RANDOMLY hidden behind the Form. To prevent this, such internal dialogs should be shown by using a mechanism like the following one:

var OldSelfFormStyle := Self.FormStyle;
Self.FormStyle := fsNormal;
  Self.FormStyle := OldSelfFormStyle;

2. Apply suitable toolbar button actions to the selection if a selection exists: For example, if a selection exists, then the actions from this toolbar menu should be applied to the selection:

3. Although ImageEnViewToolbar.Wrapable = True, the toolbar does not wrap around. BTW, the term "Wrapable" cannot be found in the CHM documentation.