I wasn't able to get that code to work for me; it would delete all the images that I already had in the view. Here is the scan code I needed, without handling any events:
ImageEnMIO1.AcquireParams.VisibleDialog := True;
if ImageEnMIO1.SetAcquireSource( ieaTwain, Default_Device ) then
if not ImageEnMIO1.Acquire then
ImageEnMView1.RemoveBlankPages( 0.0001, False, False );
The black box appears briefly, then disappears. By supplying a very small tolerance, I can rest pretty assured that it won't remove other valid pages from my component. By supplying False for the second parameter, it only deleted one image, no more. By supplying False as the third parameter, the empty-page-check begins at the end instead of the beginning, saving time, and ensuring the right image is removed.