1. Now supports Microsoft Media Foundation for video grabbing from web cams, file and URLs
2. Enhanced filtering of TOpenImageEnDialog to display all supported files, including limiting to just images or videos
3. Improvements to TIESlippyMap for improved aeshetics
4. Now includes a built-in set of pan-zoom effects
5. Font styling can now be specified for TIEAnimation
6. New helper functions to load/save all settings of TIEAcquireParams
7. New helper functions to create PDF and PS files from a file list
8. Added properties for PDF and PS files: PaperSize
9. CaptureFromScreen can now be limited to the primary monitor
10. Can load base64 encoded files, and copes better with corrupt PSD files and GIF images with invalid animation Can load base64 encoded files, and copes better with corrupt PSD files and GIF images with invalid animation