Of course ImageEn does not allow this per say, but it can be achieved. This can be awkward depending on what your goal is and I would not recommend it, but try this:
APoint: TPoint;
APoint2: TPoint;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
APoint := Point(-1,-1);
APoint2 := Point(-1,-1);
procedure TForm1.ImageEnView1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if APoint.X < 0 then
APoint := Point(X,Y);
if APoint.X > 0 then
APoint2 := Point(X,Y);
if (SelectOnClick1.Down) and (APoint.X > 0) and (APoint2.X > 0) then
ImageEnView1.Select(APoint.X, APoint.Y, APoint2.X, APoint2.Y);
On the first click the point of the click is set. On the second click the second point is set. If the points are set then make the selection with ImageEnView1.Select. You will have to add a button or menu item to deselect I(ImageEnView1.Deselect) if you want to clear the selection, and to reset the points to allow making a subsequent selection. You will have to figure out a way to do this to enable dragging the selection after the second click. This code fragment does not allow dragging the selection.
There may be better ways to achieve this, but you will have to do it all in your own code.
Bill Miller
Adirondack Software & Graphics
Email: w2m@hughes.net
EBook: http://www.imageen.com/ebook/
Custom Commercial ImageEn Development