Error occurs in call to BindToObject that raises a Floating point division by zero exception. Setting the CPU control word to $133F the exception is masked and the capture filter is created and returned without exceptions.
Can you try calling Set8087CW before each of your calls to ImageEn, then resetting it straight after to determine which of the calls is causing the failure.
Saved8087CW: Word;
Saved8087CW := Default8087CW;
// Disable FPU Exceptions
// Reset FPU exceptions
Apparently for windows 10 there has been an update to cure this problem for the surface pro 4.
People that couldnt get it to work at all, is now working without us releasing any updates. Will have to keep an eye on it.
Would still love to see OV8830 and OV2720 get supported. I've contacted seven vendors who make stand alone video capture and all have tried and gave up quickly as they had "other things to do" ...
Only person to ever get me a working demo is Mitov but he won't be doing a release... He used the still image capture capabilities to get the 8MP shots (way pass 1920x1080 streaming mode)
Strange.. its been working for us. All the customers that were complaining about it, have stopped and said everything is working now. And we did zero online updates to the software for it.
Hi! After adding "Set8087CW($133f);" it works. Unfortunately the Surface 4 runs in 200% mode. In this mode the preview video is much too small (in 100% mode it works). How can I adjust the VMR_CameraDemo, so that it show the preview video in the right size? Regards Mike
Hi I've didn't change anything except inserting the "Set8087CW($133f);" statement. The video is displayed only in a little frame in the left upper corner and it show only the upper left part of the video. But when I push "Get Frame", the resulting picture shows the whole area as it should be. Thanks for replies Mike
Hi! I've made some new tests and maybe it helps to solve the problem.
Mode...............................................Problem occurs Windows scaled by 200 %............................Yes Windows scaled by 100 %............................No Windows scaled by 200 % + Running in mode: "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".....No
So the cause of the wrong dimension of the video must be the windows scaling. Any help would be appreciated.