Before we upgraded to ImageEN, we used Kodak imaging components. When i create TIFF annotations with these components, i cannot open them with ImageEN.
Is there a way to convert these annotations or access them?
There are 2 files within the attached zip file: test1.tif - 1 page TIFF file with no annotations test1_with_note.tif - The same file including one annotation by Kodak components
Hello Nigel, thank you very much. Until now, i have been thinking that these annotations are objects.
For example when i insert an object i use the following code: iev1.MouseInteractVt:=[miPutBox]; iev1.Cursor:=C_CURSOR; s:=propTextmarker; iev1.ObjBrushColor[hobj]:=HexToInt(nextStr(s,'|')); iev1.ObjBrushStyle[hobj]:=bsSolid; iev1.ObjBoxHighlight[hobj]:=true; iev1.ObjTransparency[hobj]:=255; iev1.ObjName[hobj]:=AnsiString(IntToStr(Ord(dm_textmarker)));
That means that objects and imaging annotations are two different features? Does your code copy the imaging annotations to objects? imageenview1.IO.Params.ImagingAnnot.CopyToTImageEnVect();
Thank you again, this is really a helpful feature. Reiner