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 Paste from clipboard & floating selection possible
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harry stahl

62 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  12:53:02  Show Profile  Reply
Is it possible to insert an image from clipboard not directly into the ImageEnView-Image? So that I can move the floation selection with the Image in it to the position whre I want to insert it?

I'll suppose that I have to work with layers to reach that (so create a new layer and insert the Image from clipboard into the new layer)? Or is there perhaps a build in layer to do some think like that?

An similar question: Can I select an area of the Image in ImageEnView and move this part to an other position? Or is it here also necessary to work with layers?



1990 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  13:01:48  Show Profile  Reply

 Is it possible to insert an image from clipboard not directly into the ImageEnView-Image? So that I can move the flotation selection with the Image in it to the position where I want to insert it?

No not with selections, unless you undo the paste, move or resize the selection, then paste again.


I'll suppose that I have to work with layers to reach that (so create a new layer and insert the Image from clipboard into the new layer)? Or is there perhaps a build in layer to do some think like that?

Yes, layers would be the best way to do this.


A similar question: Can I select an area of the Image in ImageEnView and move this part to an other position? Or is it here also necessary to work with layers?

No you can not move the selection and the selection's bitmap. Layers would be the best way to achieve this. I suggest using LayersCreateFromSelection for this.

// select an ellipse
ImageEnView1.SelectEllipse(150, 150, 50, 50);
// copy selected area and create a new layer
// move the new layer
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.PosX := 100;
ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.PosY := 100;
// paste to the background - OPTIONAL
ImageEnView1.LayersMerge(0, 1); 

Bill Miller
Adirondack Software & Graphics
Custom Commercial ImageEn Development
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harry stahl

62 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  13:43:15  Show Profile  Reply
OK, thank you, that's a way that works for me.

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38790 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2016 :  20:32:49  Show Profile  Reply
Also, if you are happy to use layers, you can just use:


Xequte Software
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