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 How to change background color in style Photolike
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harry stahl

62 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2016 :  17:49:38  Show Profile  Reply
How can I change the background-color outside the area of the picture in BackgroundStyle "iebsPhotolike":

If I would use this:

procedure TF_ieLayerTempl.ievpicDrawBackground(Sender: TObject;
  ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; var Handled: Boolean);
  Acanvas.Brush.Color := clGray;
  Handled := True;

That would fill the whole backround, also of the image (and it would be an unneccessary drawing action).

So how can I change only the color around the image in style "iebsPhotolike"?



38790 Posts

Posted - Aug 02 2016 :  00:48:32  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Harry

With v6.3.1, you can use the iebsCropped background style and set the background to a lighter gray. To achieve the secondary (dark gray border) you could put a panel of that color behind the TImageEnView and inset it using AlignWithMargins.

Xequte Software
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harry stahl

62 Posts

Posted - Aug 02 2016 :  13:17:36  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Nigel,

that is great!

Do you have allready plans, when the v 6.3.1 will be rolled out?

By the way, I want to make you and the people who are working at ImageEn a great compliment. In the past years I have used 10% from ImageEn to add some functions (reading PSD-files, using some special file-formats) to my Image-Editor-Programm (PixPower Photo and Draw). But some functions I was never able to develop (especially a good painting brush, which I have now with the additional component "ImagePaintEngine from NeWest Software) and your components are much faster then my solution, especially concerning layers. So I decided now to swap fully to your components and make a full internal reset of my programming.

Even when the development of my program has taken 10 years, so far as I can see now, it will take only few weeks to have the same und much more other functionlallity in the program with your component suite.

And it makes always fun to see "hey, ImageEn has already a function for the wanted functionality". So at the moment I enjoy programming really a lot.

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38790 Posts

Posted - Aug 02 2016 :  19:02:04  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Harry

Thanks for your kind words :-) Before we took over the ImageEn distribution, I developed shareware and ImageEn was my favourite component. That was what motivated me to get involved with it.

We are finalizing a few things with v6.3.1, but it should be less than two weeks away.

Xequte Software
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