when using the Demo\Multi\MultiView2 demo and load the attached file the error "Invalid pointer operation." is raised. Please advise. This file works just fine in earlier version of Imageen.
I believe it has to do with the annotation stored in the file.
I do not even get a message, because the link is formatted incorrectly. When I select the link, the whole link is not underlined... only part of it is because of the invalid \ in the link. The \ should be /.
Anyway in the demo I can not open the tif file, but the preview in the ieopen dialog correctly shows the tif file has 4 frames, but MIO.Aborting is true when the file is opened. In one of my own projects, the file opens and the 4 frames are opened, but when I close the app, I get an exception in hyieutils:
destructor TIEDictionaryBucket.Destroy();
So I do not have and answer for you. Lately with some tiff files I have been seeing the same problem with an exception in the above destructor. Perhaps Nigel can investigate this and figure out what the problem is. Corrupt or improperly handled files should not be causing internal IO exceptions.