ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder


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3 Posts

Posted - Aug 18 2016 :  21:53:44  Show Profile  Reply
Hy everybody,

In my project I'm using ImageEnVect component for some image processing.
I want to insert objects using left bouse button clik and I want to use right button press and hold to drug objects.
Is there a standart way to do that? Or I have to handle it in my code.
The thing becomes a little more complex because I need to move grouped objects.

If it is possible please provide an example.


38790 Posts

Posted - Aug 21 2016 :  19:01:34  Show Profile  Reply

I'm afraid there is an option to do that, and it would probably be problematic if you tried to do in your unit (you would need to modify the ImageEn source directly to handle it well, I expect).

Xequte Software
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