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 How to scale Vector Objects based on Layer 0 Img?
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727 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2016 :  08:38:38  Show Profile  Reply

In a software I am using ImageEnVect.

In the software the user will be allowed to add vector shapes of type iekBOX only. These shapes can be of different size and arranged in a manner required by user.

Now the user wants to be able to change/load the background image (in layer 0).

Depending on the size of the loaded image the shapes created by the users should also scale up or down maintaining the layout and proportions.

I am attaching an image for better understanding.

Insert Image:

In this image if you observe the shapes in color are the objects of iekBox added by user and the big box around them is the background image size that the user has loaded.

Now these boxes should automatically enlarge themselves maintaining their current layout/arrangement and proportion of Object Extent (the bounding rectangle of all vectorial objects) to fit the background.

I tried to selecting all objects and resizing them interactively with mouse. This does work and the objects get resized but objects position stays the same.

How can we achieve this programmatically.

Is there any way to scale/resize selected objects programmatically just like the function for rotating all objects (RotateAllObjects)?

This is what I want to achieve.

All help is welcome.


Yogi Yang


38790 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2016 :  04:01:19  Show Profile  Reply

This would be fairly easy. Just iterate through all the objects multiplying PosX, PosY, Width and Height by NewSize/OldSize.

Xequte Software
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727 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2016 :  12:44:18  Show Profile  Reply
Hello Nigel,

Thanks for the tip. I have already worked that out but actually I was expecting ImageEnVect to work properly when a user selected multiple objects and scales them interactively. Which it is not working.


Yogi Yang
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38790 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2016 :  15:46:02  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Yogi

No, that is not presently an option. We'll look into it in a future update.

Xequte Software
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