I have a database (Firebird) with jpg images in blob fields! I want to make a thumbnail. I looked at the example of the site, but it displayed bitmap images. I use Delphi XE6 and my version of ImageEn is 4.1.4! I can not upgrade to the latest version because of incompatibility with another company application. This program I'm changing is old and I'm giving maintenance! I downloaded the DBMView demo! When I try to implement the "ImageEnMView1ImageIDRequestEx" event, an error occurs because "TIEBitmap" does not exist! What can I do?
TIEBitmap has been around since v2, so you should just need to add the unit to your uses. I cannot remember what unit it was in v4 (should be hyieutils), so please search the source code.
Also, upgrading from v4 to v6 should not introduce serious incompatiblity issues. You might find it much easier to go that route instead: