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 How to redimention a documento in inches?
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Posted - Nov 27 2018 :  04:33:26  Show Profile  Reply

I need to scan a document using a smartphone (mobile).
I am using the App Office Lens with 13.0MP (4160px x 3120px).
After scan, when I check the saved file (JPG), its properties are:

Width: 30.75in x Height: 45.70in
Width: 2952px x Height: 4394px
96 DPI

I need to redimension the document size to exact W: 8.5" x H: 11.7" keeping the aspect radio.

I too need to change the bit depth from 24bits to 8bits.

How can I do these two operation using Imageen?

Thanks everybody!

Jose Carlos



38789 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2018 :  22:29:27  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Jose

> I need to redimension the document size to exact W: 8.5" x H: 11.7"

The formulas for DPI are as follows:

dpiX := widthPixels div widthInches;
dpiY := heightPixels div heightInches;

widthPixels := widthInches * dpiX ;
heightPixels := heightInches * dpiY;

widthInches := widthPixels div dpiX ;
heightInches := heightPixels div dpiY;

// Set image dimensions to 8.5 x 11.7" 
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.DpiX := Round( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.Width / 8.5 );
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.DpiY := Round( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.Height / 11.7 );

> I too need to change the bit depth from 24bits to 8bits.

// Set pixel format to 8bit gray-scale
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.PixelFormat := ie8g;

Xequte Software
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