Is there any "shortcut" method that can merge all layers and replace layers content with merged result, i.e. perform merging without decreasing layers count?
Let's say I have 3 layers: background image and 2 copies of the same image. I perform 2 image processing task on last 2 layers.
Then user blends layers (transparency). The result is merged as new background image/layer and again I need two copies of the same resulting image as 2 layers for second iteration.
I can use "standard" merge and then add 2 new layers and assign background image to them, but I thought there were some simple method to preserve layers number.
You would need to use LayersSaveMergedTo/LayersDrawTo to output the layers to a TIEBitmap and then assign to the 2 other layers (or call LayersMergeAll and just add the layers again).
Thanks. I've done it using ieView->LayersMergeAll method and then perform a loop with ieView->LayersAdd(ieView->Layers[0]->Bitmap); to recreate layers.