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 How to mix multiple layers to show effects
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727 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2019 :  08:53:25  Show Profile  Reply

It is hard to explain. But I will try...

I have a need to allow users to do non-destructive image correction like brightness and contrast, auto brightness, auto enhance, etc.

For this I am planing to duplicate the image that needs correction to different layers and then apply the corrections to that layer.

Till here things are just fine but now the things get complicated. After the user has made required corrections (to each layer) I need to show the complete effects of all adjustment on screen.

For this I tried to set the Layer Operation to Average but this results in quality loss and all the adjustments are not clearly visible.

Is there any way by which we can achieve this?

I there any Layer Operation which supports see through so that the content of underlying layer is visible?

A side note: In Photoshop this feature is called Adjustment Layer. GIMP still does not have this feature though. :(


Yogi Yang


38790 Posts

Posted - Jan 29 2019 :  16:03:56  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Yogi

Off the top of my head:
- Could you store the correction made to each layer, and then apply them in sequence to your destination layer?
- Perhaps opacity/transparency? i.e. merge three layers of corrections each at 33% opacity???

Xequte Software
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727 Posts

Posted - Jan 30 2019 :  01:50:55  Show Profile  Reply
Hello Nigel,

Thanks for your suggestion. I will try that out. What should I set for Layer Operations (Blend Mode)?

I think I am still not able to explain my need properly let me try again...

The kind of corrections we need to apply are:
1. Correct Over Color
2. Correct Under Color
3. Apply Sharpen
4. Auto Color Correct (all the parts except human skin)
5. Auto Contrast
6. Skin Color correction

For each of these we will have to create separate layers.

In case of points 1 & 2 we will have to process and add multiple layers and do hell lot of processing on each of them and then merge them to get one layer. And this process is very processor intensive so it takes a lot of time.


Yogi Yang
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38790 Posts

Posted - Jan 30 2019 :  13:33:51  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Yogi

For that level of complexity, the only way that might work is storing the corrections that have been applied to each layer and then applying the same corrections to the destination image.

Xequte Software
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