Hello, I have three questions about TImageEnMView:
1. When we add a button to thumbnails by AddThumbButtons method, How to set the button position to BottomLeft of thumbnail image? (The iecpBottomLeft parameter sets it position to Whole thumbnail box)
2. Is it possible to enable hot tracking for thumbnails? I mean that change background color of thumbnail that under the mouse without selecting it and return it back after mouse leave.
3. After Calculating columns number, TImageEnMView shows a white space on right of thumbnails. In RightToLeft BidiMode it should Calculate and show the white space on left of thumbnails but now shows it on right of them like LeftToRight mode. Is it possible to fix it?
Thank you for your help. 2. How should I change background color of a specified thumbnail? (The ThumbnailsBackground property changes background color of all thumbnails)