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 ImageEn V8.6.0 Released
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Posted - Jun 09 2019 :  18:10:32  Show Profile  Reply
ImageEn v8.6.0 has now been released.

This update is free if you purchased a license or extension after 10 June 2018. You can request the download from:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

Top Five Enhancements

1. New TIEAngleLayer to display and measure angles within an image

2. TImageEnMView and descendents now allow in-place editing, including file renaming in TImageEnFolderMView and layer renaming in TImageEnLayerMView

3. Many improvements to database functionality, including use of TIEDBMultiBitmap to show multi-frame images at the current database cursor, plus five FireDac demos

4. Improved TImageEnFolderMView, including new methods and TActions for to show properties, edit, print file, etc, more keyboard shortcuts, and complete "Windows Explorer"-style demo

5. Enhancements to CaptureFromScreen, including specifying a window to capture

Complete Change History:

Important Compatibility Information

Prior to v8.6.0, all mouse interactions (both MouseInteractGeneral and MouseInteractLayers items) were set with a single property, MouseInteract. To overcome the size limitation for published sets, this was split into:

- MouseInteractGeneral: All mouse interactions that are not related to layer editing

- MouseInteractLayers: Mouse interactions for layer editing

In most cases, code that was previously:

ImageEnView1.MouseInteract := [ miZoom, miScroll ];

Simply changes to:

ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miZoom, miScroll ];

However for layer editing items (miMoveLayers, miResizeLayers, miRotateLayers, miCreate*Layers, etc.), the prefix has changed to ml, and you must reference MouseInteractLayers.

In older versions:

ImageEnView1.MouseInteract := [ miMoveLayers, miResizeLayers ];

Now becomes:

ImageEnView1.MouseInteractLayers := [ mlMoveLayers, mlResizeLayers ];

These are the layer editing items: miMoveLayers, miResizeLayers, miRotateLayers, miCreateImageLayers, miCreateShapeLayers, miCreateLineLayers, miCreatePolylineLayers, miCreateTextLayers, miClickCreateLineLayers, miClickCreatePolylineLayers, miDrawCreatePolylineLayers, miEditLayerPoints

They are now named: mlMoveLayers, mlResizeLayers, mlRotateLayers, mlCreateImageLayers, mlCreateShapeLayers, mlCreateLineLayers, mlCreatePolylineLayers, mlCreateTextLayers, mlClickCreateLineLayers, mlClickCreatePolylineLayers, mlDrawCreatePolylineLayers, mlEditLayerPoints

Xequte Software
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