This method is working great
, but how can I keep it from scrolling to the top after moving files?
object ImageEnFolderMView1: TImageEnFolderMView
Left = 440
Top = 80
Width = 781
Height = 694
Background = clWindow
Ctl3D = False
ParentCtl3D = False
StoreType = ietFastThumb
ThumbWidth = 200
ThumbHeight = 200
HorizBorder = 8
VertBorder = 8
TextMargin = 4
ThumbnailOptionsEx = [ietxShowIconForUnknownFormat, ietxShowIconWhileLoading, ietxEnableInternalIcons, ietxStretchSmallImages, ietxFillWithImgBackground]
OnSelectionChanging = FolderViewSelectionChanging
Checkboxes = iecbAlways
GridWidth = -1
SelectionWidth = 5
SelectionColor = clRed
ImageCacheSize = 200
Style = iemsFlat
AutoAdjustStyle = True
ThumbnailsBackground = clHighlight
ThumbnailsBackgroundSelected = 16575194
ThumbnailsBackgroundHover = 16774117
EnableMultiSelect = True
MultiSelectionOptions = [iemoRegion]
ThumbnailsBorderWidth = 1
DefaultTopText = iedtImageDimAndSize
DefaultInfoText = iedtNone
DefaultBottomText = iedtFilename
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
ThumbnailResampleFilter = rfFastLinear
ThumbnailDisplayFilter = rfNone
SelectedFontColor = clNone
ReadOnly = False
MouseWheelParams.Action = iemwVScroll
MouseWheelParamsAlt.Action = iemwZoom
TabOrder = 16
SortOrder = iesbFilenameWithoutPath
ShowFolders = False
3 Monitors
Windows 10
Delphi 6,2007 and 10.2
ImageEn v.8.7