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 ImageEn for FireMonkey Beta
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38810 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2019 :  00:03:38  Show Profile  Reply

We have now released a beta version of ImageEn/FireMonkey.

It is a direct port of our VCL version, but does NOT include:

Any Dialogs
- ImageEn open/save dialogs
- Built-in image effects dialog (TImageEnProc.DoPreviews)
- Built-in image I/O properties dialog (TImageEnIO.DoPreviews)
- Layer Properties dialog
- Printing and Print Preview dialogs

Any Windows Features
- Windows shell components and features (such as video thumbnails)
- TIEFolderMView
- WIC file formats and features
- GDI+
- Rich formatting for text layers
- AVI and Meta-File support

- Image Acquisition (Twain, WIA, WPD)
- Video Acquisition (DirectShow, MMF)
- Support for plug-ins like ImageMagick and WpViewPDF
- Legacy components: TImageEnVect, THSVBox and TGradientBox

Also, at this time, we have only ported to Windows. Support for other platforms is planned.

Naturally being a beta, it will have bugs and incompatibilities. Beta testers are expected to test and report issues.

The beta is open to anyone with an active ImageEn license (as it includes all ImageEn source code). Please email me at to join the beta.

Xequte Software


38810 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2019 :  00:04:35  Show Profile  Reply
Downloading and installing the ImageEn/FMX Beta

1. Go to:

(If you get a 404 error, that means you have not added as a contributor, so you will need to email us for a login invitation).

2. On the RHS, near the too you will see a download button. Download as a zip and expand it to a folder

3. In Delphi, select Tools > Options

And browse to Language, Delphi Options, Library

To your "Library Path" add the folder from step 3.

4. Browse to the "Delphi10.3Rio" folder and open:


5. In the projects box, right-click ImageEnLibsFmxGroup and choose "Compile All"

6. Right-click ImageEnFmxDsgn26.bpl and choose "Install"

ImagenEn/FMX will now be installed and will not affect your ImageEn/VCL projects. You will find a selection of demos in the \Demos\ sub-folder.

Note: Only Windows is supported at this time. During the beta we'll be working on supporting other platforms.

Xequte Software
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38810 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2019 :  00:05:08  Show Profile  Reply
Converting ImageEn/VCL demos to FireMonkey

To test ImageEn functionality you may want to convert ImageEn/VCL demos to Firemonkey:

1. Copy the folder of the desired ImageEn/VCL demo to the ImageEn/FMX demos folder

2. Use this converter to convert any .DFM files to .FMX


(Source code: )

- Run the exe
- Click Open File and select a DFM file.
- Click Process,
- "Save FMX" and output to the same demo folder with the same unit name as before

3. Delete the DFM file and the DPROJ file

4. Open the DPR file in Delphi and open any units it contains

>> You will get many warning of missing components and parameters. Take note of anything important. Click Ignore for each of them

5. Replace any missing components with the FireMonkey equivalent (generally not needed)

6. Run the demo and fix any issues

If you convert a demo, please zip it up (without EXE) and email it to us. Or better, upload it to Git:

Xequte Software
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38810 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2019 :  00:06:45  Show Profile  Reply
Sample Compiled Demos

Complete Editor:
Image display and editing application

Thumbnail Viewer:
Using TImageEnMView to show thumbnails for images in a folder

All Layer Editing:
Usage of image, shape, text and line layers

Image Editor Actions Demo:
Complete image display and editing application built using only the TImageEnView Action set

Layer Actions Demo:
Complete image layer editing application built using only the TImageEnView Action set

Thumbnail Actions Demo:
Multiple image display and editing application built using only the TImageEnMView Action set

All Actions Demo:
Demo showing all ImageEn actions (230+) available to rapidly build applications

Brush Tool Demo:
Using the in-built Brush tool to paint onto an image

Clone Tool Demo:
Using the in-built Clone Brush tool to copy and erase content within an image

Flood Fill Tool:
Using the Fill tool to replace the color within an image with a new color or transparency

Transition Effects:
Use of transition effects to smooth the changing of images during a slideshow

Photosphere Viewer:
Interactive display of "Equirectangular" images (Google Android PhotoSphere 360° panoramic images)

Zoom Filter Comparison:
Display of all the available ZoomFilter effects for image smoothing

Magic Fill to Polygon:
Creates a polygon by performing a magic selection on an image (matching a color range)

Navigator Demo:
Use of TImageEnView.SetNavigator to show the currently viewable portion of the image

Cells and Grid Demo:
Divide an image into a grid and allow selection of individual cells

Xequte Software
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