Is there a way to check if layer was rotated/resized?
Currently, in order to avoid unnecessary overhead, I'm using userdata to set and check if there was any rotation/resizing:
if (!userData) // oops, we do not have userData (throw an error in next version)
if (*userData == 0) // no rotation, no resizing
_primaryImageContainer->PaintView->Layers[i]->UseResampleFilter = true;
if (*userData & px_MASK_LRESIZED )
else if (*userData & px_MASK_LROTATED)
_primaryImageContainer->PaintView->Layers[i]->UseResampleFilter = false;
*userData = 0;
// and finally, recreate image zoo
The last instruction recreates "image zoo" (sharing bitmap with drawing engine, IPP and OpenCV).
I would like to get rid of userdata checking and recreate "image zoo" only if layer was rotated or resized. So is there more elegant way to know "geometry situation"?
I'm using version 8.1.1.