Good afternoon, I'm using TImageEnFolderMView and I'm not able to sort the files in a folder according to the example shown in ShellListView.
The condition is as follows:
I have JPG files inside a certain folder, this folder I upload to my TImageEnFolderMView through the command ImageEnFolderMView.Folder: = Folder; the Order of these files in this folder: 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg ... 100.jpg 101.jpg
However when I load them in my TImageEnFolderMView the order is:
1.jpg 10.jpg 100.jpg 101.jpg ...
I have a lready changed the SortOrder for all options, but I am unable to sort correctly. Please help me. NOTE: I apologize, but I'm using Google's translation tool to convert from PTBR to English.