Since in TImageEnView.MouseInteractGeneral, both items miSelect and miSelectZoom cannot be selected at the same time (they are mutually exclusive), and I need both functionalities, I would prefer to keep the miSelect item selected and proceed as following:
After having selected an area with the mouse (miSelect), I want to press a key-command or click a button to zoom the selection to the whole image area (what miSelectZoom would have done). Is there such a built-in method to EXTEND the current selection to the whole image area?
Idea/Suggestion: You could add an Option iesoZoomWithDoubleclick to TIESelectionOptions: With this Option activated, double-clicking an existing selection would zoom the selection to the whole image area. - Also, the Selection ContextMenu in this case would have an additional menu-item "Zoom to selection". - Also, pressing the "Z" key would zoom the existing selection to the whole image area.
To make this work, an event OnSelectionDoubleClick would be needed. Please implement OnSelectionDoubleClick, so in the OnSelectionDoubleClick event-handler I could execute TImageEnView.ZoomSelection.
procedure TformMain.ImageEnView1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
It's as simple as that.