I would like to use the following print dialog: IO.PrintPreviewDialog(iedtDialog, 'Simple Print', false); But if I change the printout width here, the printout height does not change with it. Is it possible that the height changes when I change the width so that the aspect ratio is maintained.
Thanks, that would be really helpful. At the moment you can not change the size well. You always have to make the change alternately. Once the height and then the width, always changing. It is very stressful.
A good addition would be if the edges are not set at 1 inch. Instead, the margin specified by the printer is displayed. This should also change if you change the setting on the printer to borderless.
The printer margins (unprintable area) is already considered by ImageEn, i.e. margins of 0 will make ImageEn print up to the printer margins. So it is not relevant to display the printer margins there.
For 9.1.2 the displayed size will automatically scale to the aspect ratio (Note that it always printed with aspect ratio, the change is to show the scaled size in the size boxes).