Hi Nigel
I want to getting viewed image position of Timage and copy it to other Timage. (I want to getting viewed image position of image1 and copy it to other image2). I use below code for ImageEnIO1:
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var iebmp : TIEBitMap; jpg: TJPEGImage; bmp: TBitmap;
begin jpg:=TJPEGImage.Create;
iebmp := TIEBitmap.Create; ImageEnProc1.AttachedIEBitmap := iebmp; ImageEnIO1.AttachedIEBitmap := iebmp;
bmp := TBitmap.Create; ImageEnProc1.AttachedBitmap:= bmp; ImageEnIO1.AttachedBitmap:= bmp;
ImageEnIO1.Bitmap.Assign(Image1.Picture.Graphic); ImageEnIO1.Update;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I think if I can find below similar code for ImageEnIO1 then I can fix my problem:
iebmp := TIEBitmap.create( IERectangle( ImageEnView1.VisibleBitmapRect ).Width, IERectangle( ImageEnView1.VisibleBitmapRect ).Height ); ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.DrawToTIEBitmap( iebmp, 0, 0, IERectangle( ImageEnView1.VisibleBitmapRect ) );
Best Regards
Ali Abbasi |