When i load a big folder (~2000+ pictures) with FillFromDirectory dynamic loading into a TImageEnFolderMView that uses Thumb drawing, and maximize the window to see as many images as possible on the same times, and try to multiselect pictures with mouse down movements instead of control clicks, it gets really slow and it often freezes for some seconds until the app reacts again.
This also happens with custom painted images that arent jpgs on the disk "AppendImage(fv.ThumbWidth, fv.ThumbHeight);" (i add around 500 - 2000)
If i play around with selcting and move my mouse around, it is slow and prone to lockups. It seems i tis the worst when scrolled down instead of marking the first few items.
It seems that the whole TImageEnFolderMView painting is slow (marking, scrolling, loading...). Maybe there is some expensive thing going on inside of the painting algorythm? At least marking by mouse should be a super fast thing like when you mark multiple files on the windows desktop.
It seems the more images are present, the longer the lockups get... It even displays a hourglass on the app while it is frozen after trying to select while scrolled.
TImageEnFolderMView descends from TImageEnMView. There does seem to be more going on there than needs to be. Give us a few days to get to the bottom of it.