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268 Posts

Posted - May 26 2021 :  19:59:14  Show Profile  Reply
Back in August 2020 we struggled with LayersMerge. Your last comment was that it performed merging differently with only 2 layers. I thought the problem was fixed, but I've just bumped into LayersMerge again.

Using your Layers_AllTypes demo program I can draw a single layer or multiple layers. Either way the Merge button, which uses LayersMerge, does nothing. The Merge All button successfully merges the layers. This happens if the image is a .jpg or multi-page .tif.

In my own program, LayersMerge causes an endless series of List Index out of bounds errors, if I have inserted a single layer with either type of file. It isn't completely consistent however. If I make two layers and merge them, then make a new single layer, it does not seem to cause a problem.

Since MergeAll seems to work, I think I will rely on that, but I thought you might want to revisit this behavior.



38798 Posts

Posted - May 27 2021 :  18:16:54  Show Profile  Reply
Thanks for the report, JR,

Can you give me some specific steps to take in the Layers_AllTypes demo to reproduce the issue?

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - May 27 2021 :  18:38:17  Show Profile  Reply
I had originally modified the Layers_Alltypes demo to include rich text. However since I discovered an error message every time I tried to launch the help file, I decided to do a full reinstall of 10.0.1. The help file error still continues:

So that means I've now tested with an original copy of the demo.
1. load a file, .jpg or .tif is what I've used.
2. click Add button to add the default shape layer.
3. Select a Text layer and add that.
4. Click merge button. It doesn't matter which layer has focus, it isn't merged into the background. Both are merged with the Merge All button.

Am I misunderstanding what should happen? I change nothing else.

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38798 Posts

Posted - May 27 2021 :  19:25:29  Show Profile  Reply

Please delete the CHI file from your ImageEn install folder.

The Merge button has no effect unless multiple frames are selected. To merge to the background select layer 0 before merging:

ImageEnView1.Layers[0].Selected := True;

In the next release you can just use:
ImageEnView1.LayersMerge( True );

Xequte Software
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